Starring: Julianne Moore, Ed Harris, Woody Harrelson, Peter MacNicol, Sarah Paulson, Ron Livingston
Harris and Moore are John McCain and Sarah Palin in this HBO dramatization of their failed election campaign.
It might be election year but it seems a strange time to bring this story to the screen, either three years late or thirty years early. At this point we've seen countless portrayals of Palin, from comedians to pornstars. This is probably the first serious dramatic attempt but Moore falls well short. Visually she looks perfect but her performance is far too comic and seems to be based on Frances McDormand's irritating turn in "Fargo". Harris is impressive but the anchor of the film is Harrelson, brilliant as campaign strategist Steve Schmidt.
I knew this would essentially be an attack on Palin, which is fine by me, but I have a major problem with the manner of the attack. Rather than focusing on her insane worldview it cheaply mocks her for being uneducated. Attacking an individual for their lack of intelligence seems below the belt when the target of criticism should be the society that elevates and cultivates these people.
Palin might be laughed at for appealing to Joe the plumber but Joe is the very person so-called liberal Hollywood panders to. Whether it's votes or bums on seats, the lowest common denominator will always be the most indulged.