Directed by: Robert Schwentke
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Jeff Bridges, Mary-Louise Parker, Kevin Bacon, Stephanie Szostak, James Hong, Marisa Miller

If its trailer makes 'RIPD' look like 'Men in Black' set on a casual dress Friday, it's because that's pretty much what we get here. Reynolds and Bridges are essentially playing the same characters essayed by Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones but neither actor seems all that interested in delivering anything more than a sleepwalker's performance. Bridges is particularly irritating, with an over-the-top Southern accent that will make your ears bleed.
The "Deados" look remarkably similar to 'MIB's aliens, however the CGI here is atrocious, resulting in a 'Roger Rabbit' effect as the human actors fail to convincingly interact with their digital counterparts.
Director Schwentke seems to have studied at the Barry Sonnenfeld school of directing, with an irritating use of crash-zooms thrown in for good measure. I was amazed not to find Sonnenfeld's name attached in some sort of producing role.
After crashing at the US box-office, 'RIPD' is receiving a decidedly low-key European release. Don't expect a sequel, this particular property is very much a "Deado".
Eric Hillis