Review by Rúairí Conneely
Directed by: Jill Beardsworth, Keith Walsh

Apples of the Golan is a documentary feature by Keith Walsh and Jill Beardsworth, the filmmaking partnership that operates under the name ‘TwoPair Films’. The film represents the culmination of five years work, embedded among the people of the village of Madjal Shams. The village is sited in the Golan Heights, a mountainous region located on the border between Syria and Israel. Since the events of the Six Day War in 1967, the region has been under occupation by Israeli forces, and Apples of the Golan is a document of the lives of the villagers who have lived under nearly three generations of that occupation.

The title comes from the main agricultural output of the area, a breed of apple. The Golan people are of the Druze, a monotheistic faith distinct from Islam and Christianity (although influenced by the former) and have a strong sense of cultural identity. The apples, which are lampshaded in the title, become a leitmotif for the local culture. This is journalistic filmmaking however, and more direct attempts at visual metaphor seem hackneyed and unoriginal. I had to wonder, is the film clichéd in this sense, or is it simply a consequence of the subject matter: the Occupied versus the Occupier will tend to follow the same pattern wherever such a conflict plays out, given that the engine is human nature and life during wartime.

The straightforward style of the film means that what’s great about it is what the people say in interviews. The independence movement is mainly composed of middle-aged men who would have been young during the annexation of their home. The young people are more disillusioned, almost pre-emptively jaded. Their citizenship is undetermined, they mainly just want to play music and travel freely. There is a nice shot towards the end of a young couple salsa dancing in the apple groves, which stands in contrast to an earlier scene where a man discusses the symbolic significance of the Syrian apples having five seeds like the five pointed stars of the Syrian flag, compared to the Israeli breeds, which he asserts have six seeds, like the Star of David.