Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Peter Berg
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Monaghan, JK Simmons, John
Goodman, Melissa Benoist, Kevin Bacon

Here's an idea for a drinking game. Take a Peter Berg directed movie and knock back a shot every time you see the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the breeze. You'll be on the floor within 30 minutes. In both his movies and his personal life, Berg has become a rare conservative voice in an industry that likes to think of itself as liberal (women and minorities in Hollywood may argue otherwise). Movies like The Kingdom and Lone Survivor have drawn accusations of Islamophobia, so when it was announced that Berg would film a dramatisation of the events surrounding the 2013 Boston marathon bombing, those unable to get on board with Berg's politics drew a deep breath.
Any fears that Berg might deliver his most tasteless, jingoistic and bigoted movie yet are thankfully unfounded, as Patriots Day (sic) is his most accomplished work to date, and surprisingly, given its title, there's barely a flag to be found fluttering in its New England wind.

Some have complained about the inclusion of this product of a screenwriter's imagination, and the film boasts a narrative strong enough to survive without Saunders' presence, but for those of us outside the US and less familiar with a story that is sadly but one of many such incidents in recent years, it's not such a point of contention.

Earlier in his career, Berg was compared unfavourably to Michael Bay, but with this and Deepwater Horizon, he's proven himself a skilled craftsman. Berg's never been better than he is here, constructing visceral set-pieces that immerse us in the tense drama. The carjacking of the Chinese student is unbearably anxious, particularly if you're unfamiliar with its outcome, and a night-time shootout on a suburban street will have Michael Mann nodding in approval. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross provide a score that purrs along quietly, adding to the sense of menace without ever overwhelming the visuals.

Patriots Day is on Amazon Prime
Video UK now.