Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Adam MacDonald
Starring: Nicole Muñoz, Laurie Holden, Chloe Rose, Eric
Teenage girls can say some pretty awful things to their moms in the heat of arguments, usually over the most trifling of matters. How many girls have wished death upon their mother when faced with a grounding, or being told they can't go that concert or date that boy, only to immediately regret such a harsh and over the top statement leaving their lips?
"I wish you were dead!" So screams Leah (Nicole Muñoz), the put upon young anti-heroine of writer/director Adam MacDonald's second feature, the wonderfully named Pyewacket (if I ever find myself taking in some stray black cat, it's definitely getting named Pyewacket), when her mother (Laurie Holden) informs her that they're moving to a remote home nestled in the woods out of town.
Influenced by one of Dove's books, Leah concocts a potion - a mix of milk and her own blood - which she pours into the ground in the woods near her home, reciting an ancient spell that, if the text is to be believed, will claim the life of her mother.
Returning home, Leah is surprised to find her mother still alive and well. She's even more surprised to find a home-cooked meal waiting for her at the dinner table. Suddenly Mom is all sweetness and light, not even giving Leah a hard time when the wound she inflicted on herself reopens, spilling blood all over her mashed potatoes. Over the next couple of days, Leah enjoys a new lease of life, as her mother really does seem to have changed. But Leah is plagued by guilt and paranoia over the spell she cast, and when she starts to feel a mysterious presence in the woods and hear unexplained noises in her home, it seems the spell may be real after all. Can Leah find a way to reverse the curse and save her mother?
Pyewacket is one of those good horror movies, and it asks a lot of its young lead. Muñoz proves up to the task - just as well, as a lesser performance would have toppled the entire film, so reliant is it on a human performance rather than special effects. Adopting an old-fashioned approach, MacDonald allows the audience to feel the fear and uncertainty that dogs Leah through spending time in her presence rather than prodding us with cheap jump scares or excessive gore. We really feel the growing knot in Leah's stomach, the unrest in her mind, thanks to the subtly expressive work of Muñoz, who never retreats into histrionics.
If I have a complaint about Pyewacket it's in relation to its ending, which feels abrupt and more befitting of a short film or an instalment of a horror anthology rather than a feature. But this is a film that's all about taking a journey in the ravaged mind of its protagonist, and the dual efforts of MacDonald and Muñoz make it one of the more intriguing American indie horror movies of recent years. I can't wait to see what they do next.

Pyewacket is on Shudder UK