Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Julius Avery
Starring: Jovan Adepo, Wyatt Russell, Mathilde Ollivier, Pilou

If there's one strand of exploitation cinema I didn't foresee making a comeback in these sensitive times, it's Nazisploitation. The heyday of the salacious sub-genre was the 1970s, with movies like Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS, Gestapo's Last Orgy and SS Experiment Camp packing out grindhouses while arthouse patrons indulged in more composed but no less exploitative fare like The Night Porter, Salon Kitty and Salò. Most of these films followed the same general premise - the Nazis are conducting human experiments in some sort of camp (usually a women's prison), with their subjects eventually rising up and turning the tables on Gerry in gruesome fashion. Even back then such films were considered offensive, but it's worth bearing in mind that most of them were made by exiled Jews and Italian communists, for whom they may well have proved cathartic.
Now the Nazis are back, hosting their own hit YouTube shows and being invited on breakfast TV to spout bigoted tripe as you choke on your cornflakes in disbelief. Even movies set during WWII now tend to focus on 'Good Nazis' - Suite Francaise, Land of Mine, Where Hands Touch - asking us to spare some sympathy for those Germans who were "just following orders."

Like their compatriots in the '70s grindhouse movies mentioned above, the
Nazis here are up to no good with their fiendish experiments. Like all movie
mad scientists, they've put together a serum that they hope to use to create
a race of invincible super-Nazis with the strength and temperament of a
thousand she-bears protecting their cubs from campers.

With the aid of a local girl, Chloe (Lea Seydoux lookalike Mathilde Ollivier), the squaddies stumble across the Nazis' laboratory, and when their Nazi
prisoner Wafner (Pilou Asbæk, delivering the best cartoon Nazi
performance since Raiders of the Lost Ark) escapes, taking Chloe's kid brother hostage, they decide to take a detour
and destroy the lab.

Avery's direction is muscular and keeps things moving at a rapid pace, though he never again replicates the thrills of the opening sequence, which captures the chaos of parachuting through a barrage of ground to air fire in intense fashion. The opening act actually lays the ground for an impressive war movie, and I think I may have personally preferred it to stay in that grounded territory rather than taking the sci-fi/horror turn it ultimately does. As figurative monsters, its Nazis are far scarier antagonists than the literal monsters our heroes end up battling.

Overlord is on Netflix UK now.