Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Travis Knight
Starring: Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Justin Theroux, Angela
Bassett, Pamela Adlon

Is there any high profile director working today whose work is as derided as Michael Bay? Bay's name has become shorthand for modern Hollywood at its worst, and his Magnum Opus, the Transformers series, provokes sighs from movie lovers every time a new one is announced. Yet, for a long time they kept raking in cash, until audiences were finally ground down by Bay's soulless excess and failed to turn out in numbers for 2017's endurance test The Last Knight.
With Bay exiting the director's chair for Bumblebee, a prequel/reboot set in 1987, and Travis Knight taking over directorial duties, we finally get to see what a Transformers movie looks like without his thumb prints all over it. Turns out a Transformers movie can be fun. Who knew?

The girl is 18-year-old Californian Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld), a grease monkey obsessed with repairing the sports car her late father spent his life working on. The car is Bumblebee, an Autobot transformer who escapes to earth when the villainous Decepticons stage a coup on his home planet of Cybertron.
While rummaging through a junkyard for parts, Charlie discovers a broken down yellow Volkswagen Beetle, which she is gifted in a suspension of disbelief testing moment of kindness from the scrapyard's owner. Managing to get the car running, Charlie is shocked when it transforms into a giant robot, but the two quickly become friends.

Following Brad Bird (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol) and Phil Lord and Chris Miller (21 Jump Street), Knight is the latest director to make the transition from overseeing animated features to helming live-action, and like his aforementioned colleagues, he brings an animator's visual flair along with him. There's more economic and clever visual storytelling in the first 10 minutes of Bumblebee than in all five of Bay's movies put together, and Knight and screenwriter Christina Hodson manage to convey important plot points in simple fashion, with none of the over-written, exposition heavy speeches that have plagued this franchise.

Yet while it's a fun ride, Bumblebee is by no means a classic of its genre. Once again we have a Transformers movie that fails to do anything interesting with its robots' ability to transform and blend in with Earth, and the plot, while commendably economic, is essentially a knockoff of every boy/girl meets robot/alien movie spewed out by Hollywood in the wake of E.T's box office success. But after five movies of soul destroying blandness from Bay, I'll take the innocent simple charms of Bumblebee. This saga of tin men has finally found a heart.

Bumblebee is on Prime Video UK