The Movie Waffler New UK Trailer and Poster for Alien Abduction Thriller PROXIMITY | The Movie Waffler

New UK Trailer and Poster for Alien Abduction Thriller PROXIMITY

proximity 2020 movie
The sci-fi thriller comes to UK Digital in May.

As a visual effects artist, Eric Demeusy's credits include Tron: Legacy, Game of Thrones and Stranger Things. Now he makes his debut as a feature writer/director with sci-fi thriller Proximity.

The film stars Ryan Masson as a young NASA scientist who embarks on a quest to prove his claims of being abducted by aliens. Highdee Kuan, Christian Prentice, Shaw Jones and Don Scribner also star.

Signature Entertainment presents Proximity on UK Digital HD from May 18th.

Check out the trailer, poster and official synopsis below.

proximity poster

The official synopsis reads:

Proximity follows a young scientist, working for NASA, who is abducted by extra-terrestrials. When no one believes his story, he becomes obsessed with finding proof that leads him on a journey of discovery.