Slot gaming was incredibly popular in the 20th century, especially in
places like Las Vegas, where it was one of the main catalysts for the
crazy proliferation of so-called super casinos. Whilst that’s all true,
there is absolutely no comparing the slot gaming industry of the 21st
century, because things have got unimaginably better! Oh yes, due to the
invention of online gambling the slot gaming world is now at a frankly
ridiculous size - also try
Jackpot King
By now there are thousands of online slot titles out there, from numerous
different online slot developers, hosted on an almost infinite number of
slots sites and online casinos. And guess that else? There are millions
and millions of us reel spinners playing our favourite online slots and
keeping the whole industry going. It all makes us wonder, what are the
biggest slot gaming organisations? Keep reading to find out…
The different types of slot gaming organisations
It is easy to think of slot gaming organisations as just being the
companies that actually design and create these infectious games, however
that isn’t the case at all. You see, the slot gaming industry is actually
made up of many different types of organisation, each of which play a
special part in the overall slots universe. Here are some different
· Online slot developer: The online slot
developers are arguably the most important parts of the whole industry,
because without them there would be no games to play. Later on in this
article we’ll list a few of the best online slot developers to check out,
it definitely pays to know, because not all slot developers create
genuinely good games.
· Online casino sites: Without online
casino sites there wouldn’t be nearly as many places to actually play
online slots, but luckily there are quite literally thousnads of these
around these days. Make sure you choose the online casino site with the
best welcome offers and deposit bonuses!
· Slot gaming authorities: However fun
gambling can be, it is always important to have a regulatory body
involved, otherwise gamblers can very easily be taken advantage of. In the
world of slots authorities like the UK Gambling Commission and Malta
Gaming Authority ensure everything remains legal and in order. Remember to
always check that an online casino or online slot developer has received a
licence from these places.
The best 21st century online slot developers
Online slot developers have got to be the most crucial cog in the overall
online slots machine, and it is also critical that you know what the best
ones are so you can play the best slots possible. Take a look at the best
online slot developers:
· NetEnt: NetEnt simply have to be at
the top of this list every time you mention the best online slot
developers, and they are also one of the biggest slot gaming organisations
in the world too. The consistently and constant innovation in NetEnt slots
are what sets them apart from the rest – it doesn’t look like they’ll be
relinquishing the top spot any time soon either.
· Microgaming: Microgaming are probably
the largest slot gaming organisation around, which means they can afford
to offer things like the outrageous Microgaming Progressive Jackpot