Starring: Morgan Spurlock, various products
Whatever your thoughts on Spurlock, you have to admit he's a great pitchman.
With "Super-size Me" he practically invented the high-concept documentary and commercialised the docu genre just as much as the Hollywood machine he rails against here has with mainstream fare. Every one of his films can be summed up in one sentence which is exactly what a studio exec wants to hear from a film-maker. So, it's no surprise that he could pull off the concept of funding an entire movie purely by product placement. What is surprising is how many companies refused to participate; don't they know there's no such thing as bad publicity?
So is product placement killing cinema? I can't speak for everyone but I can't think of an example of product placement ruining a movie for me. Quite the opposite in fact. Ever seen a product that's been invented purely for the movie? That instantly takes you out of the film because it automatically reminds you that what you're seeing isn't real. It's like when a phone number starts with 555, it would be much less distracting to just use a real number.
This movie suffers from being a victim of it's own concept. Because he relies on product placement to make the movie Spurlock has to hold back from mocking it. I'm sure a witty biting satire could be made on this subject but this isn't it.
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