Directed by: Akiva Schaffer
Starring: Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, Richard Ayoade, Rosemarie DeWitt, Will Forte, R Lee Ermey
Area busybody Stiller puts together a neighborhood watch outfit which soon finds itself battling aliens.
Unlike most Europeans, I'm not anti-American. No other country has privided me with so much entertainment so how could I be? Movies like this however make it a lot easier to understand why Hollywood and the United States in general irritate so many people. This is more than just a bad movie. I see hundreds of movies a year, half of which are awful, I can handle a movie failing as a piece of entertainment. What I won't accept is the sort of xenophobic, homophobic bullshit that this piece of cinematic excrement shoves down our throats. Take Ayoade, a talented film-maker in his own right, who seems to have been cast purely because we're supposed to find it amusing that a black man speaks with a posh British accent. (Wow, a black guy with an education, that's hilarious!) Even the trailer mocks his surname. (Those foreigners are soo funny!) Then we have the effeminate neighbor of Stiller, thrown in for cruel and cheap laughs. Don't even get me started on the Mexican security guard. The joke has always been that Hollywood aims it's movies solely at Middle America. They obviously think Middle America is full of racists and homophobes. I'd like to believe this isn't the case.

What about the plot, you ask? Well if you saw last year's equally detestable yet technically far superior "Attack the Block" you've seen this already. "The Watch" just swaps despicable lower class Brits for despicable middle class Americans.