TVs have become not only much smaller than they used to be—those flat screen TVs seem to take up only a fraction of the space with much less weight—but they are also clearer in picture, sound, and overall presentation. An added bonus is that these new TVs can often get Internet, can sync up to your computer, and can achieve many other things that TVs from a few years ago could only dream of, including running an IPTV subscription. With these advancements in TV technology in the past few years, it’s no surprise that people are upgrading their TVs. By following these tips below, you can also upgrade, but on a budget.
Wait Until the TV is on Sale
With the way TV technology advances so quickly, it is likely that the TV you are looking at today will be at a much lower price when the newer models come out in a few months. You might need to wait a few weeks to get your TV, but you’ll need to ask yourself how necessary the TV is right now. If you can wait, wait for a little while to get a great deal on the same TV.
Consider waiting for key sale days, too. The day after Christmas is a great time to buy a TV because most people are done buying items for the season and stores need to make room for the new inventory that will arrive next year. Does your area offer tax free weekends or other seasonal sales? If so, take advantage of those sales. Coupons and rebates that work year round are excellent ways to also get that TV at a sale price.
Consider Last Year’s Model
Like buying a new car, if you shop for a TV towards the end of the year, you are likely to encounter some great deals. Retailers are looking to clear this year’s inventory to make room for new items. The truth is, when comparing between models from this year and last year, the differences aren’t substantial. Most differences between years are cosmetic and don’t often relate to actual graphics or other technology in the TV. When buying an older model, you might even be able to haggle a little more on the price. Remember, retailers want and need to get rid of older TVs; use this bit of information to your advantage.
Avoid Extended Warranties when Possible
In general, a new TV is going to come with a manufacturer’s warranty that will cover many issues that take place with a TV in the first few years. Also, consider that extended warranties often run concurrently with the manufacturer’s warranty. Before making the jump to an extended warranty, then, make sure to weigh all the options and see if the extra expense is worth your money. In many cases, the extended warranty is an unnecessary add-on that can just cost you more money overall with very little pay off. The amount of people that are able to cash in on an extended warranty is quite small overall.
Try a Refurbished, Returned, or Opened TV
TVs often have slight issues when they are first purchased, especially in the early months or years of a new model. These TVs are often returned and refurbished by the manufacturer. The prices for a refurbished TV are often much lower than a brand new, comparable model. The area to be cautious with, though, is with warranties; warranties are often void after refurbishment so you want to make sure that the work was done right before purchasing.
Likewise, if a TV is returned or opened, it might still make a great purchase. The TV must still work in order for a store to sell it—if it isn’t advertised as broken, at least—so the TV might just have not met the needs of the initial buyer.