The answer is it shouldn’t, and Spirit Halloween agrees – this year, make them your first port of call for excellent plus size costumes. Here are some of our favourites from http://www.spirithalloween.com/adult_plus-size/:
Ms Krueger

Freddy Krueger haunted many of dreams for weeks (or months) after first seeing A Nightmare on Elm Street, and he has stuck around. His female counterpart makes for a great and gruesome plus size costume – you'll need a stripey dress, a black hat and a glove of knives. Choose a stretchy, comfortable material for your dress. One ... two ... Freddy's coming for you .... who says plus size costumes can't be badass!
The original seekers and wearers of bling: pirate folk had their fashion on point, particularly Angelica Prestige from the Pirates of the Caribbean. for this plus size costume, you need a peasant-style shirt, jacket and vest, corset, pants and pirate hat – so is inclusive of almost everything you’d need for a killer Halloween costume.
Dia De Los Muertos
Falling over our traditional Halloween, Dia de Los Muertos (or the Day of the Dead) exists from All Hallows Eve to All Souls Day, the 31st of October and 1-2 November. The holiday is a big festival occasion revisiting and in remembrance of dead relatives. Culturally it’s probably best known for its colourful dress and the brightness of the commemorative Mexican marigolds. Day of the Dead costumes stunningly reflect this - they are bright and vibrant, a plus size Halloween costume unlike any other.
Grim Reaper
The beacon of darkness and Death, the matriarch of Halloween: you’ll look every bit the part in a Reaper costume. You'll need a floor-length dress and cape, some skull makeup and a big scythe. I wouldn’t want to bump into someone wearing this!
With a head of hair made from venomous snakes, and the ability to turn those who looked into her eyes to stone, the “monster” Medusa makes a great Halloween costume. The sight of you in a gorgeous, comfortable outfit with snakes in your hair will be enough to turn anyone to stone – if not just green with envy.
Ms Voorhees

Rock a Ms Voorhees all on your own or team up with your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend as the Voorhees pair! Made famous in Friday the 13th, Jason Voorhees is another iconic horror figure who has been adapted for us girls – and it’s a pretty killer combination! You'll need the signature mask, of course, and complete the look with fishnets and a smoky eye for extra pop.
In a sexier version of Cops and Robbers and one of the cooler plus size costumes, the Jailbird is equal parts comfort and style. Choose a sexy black and white striped dress and pair with a waist cincher corset, some stockings or knee-high boots to avoid committing a fashion crime. Add some cuffs or a big "lead" ball (I'd make one from paper mache) to complete the outfit.
Take charge this Halloween in your own plus size SWAT Team costume. Spend the night busting everyone for illegal dance moves. To top of your look grab a pair of boots, the biggest lashes you can find and lay down the law at your Halloween party.
Zombie Hunter
Get ready to slay anyone and anything this Halloween in a Zombie Hunter costume. Grab a bloodstained dress (we love the dresses in Blackmilk Clothing Halloween Collection), bandolier chest belt and fingerless gloves – head down to your latest props store and grab the biggest, bloodiest axe you can find and you’re ready to cause some trouble.

The figure of the vampire is yet to - and probably never will - stop being essential in pop culture and it’s always a safe choice for costume. Choose a sexy black dress that will both be a symbol of the horror genre and make you look like a temptress at the same time.
Shopping for plus-size costumes doesn’t have to be an awful experience. With online stores like Spirit Halloween, you can find sexy, comfortable outfits from your own home. Who are you going to dress as this Halloween?