Whether you use Halloween as an excuse, have a birthday coming up, or want to throw a release party of your own before hitting the cinema with friends, here are a few ideas to help you throw a killer Star Wars theme party.
Star Wars has long been a popular theme for birthday and costume parties, so you should have no problem finding official merchandise, including invitations. You’ll also find paper cups, napkins, and other decorations to match at any party store. Disney’s on top of their marketing for the new film with new toys and memorabilia already being released far ahead of December! Pick up as many of these posters, action figures, and light sabres as your budget will allow to help set the scene for your party. In terms of invitations, you could also go the DIY route with card stock masks, printed movie stills, or other various space-related shapes and images.
If you decide to make your Star Wars party a costume party, be sure to note this on the invitations so that your guests have plenty of time to peruse retailers like Funidelia for an outfit. It’s also a good idea to have a few extra masks and capes on hand just in case a few guests don’t get the memo.
Décor and Food
You can really go wild on the decorations for a Star Wars theme party, whether you decide to do up your home as a spaceship or Endor. The sky’s pretty much the limit with the array of different settings from the films. If you don’t have the time or funds to turn your apartment into a replica of Tatooine, you could simply place glow in the dark stars and planets on the walls and ceilings for a groovy effect. Splash out on some Star Wars cookie cutters to cut out sandwiches, cookies, or jelly into the required shapes, and create cake in the shape of C3P0 or a light sabre.
If you’re all huge Star Wars buffs, a good way to pass the time is simply by having a movie marathon (if you haven’t done that already). Test your guests’ knowledge of the force with a trivia game, or hold a lightsabre tournament to test their physical ability. Scavenger hunts, pinatas, and other typical party games can also be adapted to meet the theme, particularly if you’re holding the party for kids. If you feel limited by the theme or just have leftover Avatar fancy dress from Funidelia left over from last year, you could also extend the theme to a general Sci-Fi or comic movie theme. This allows you to play different types of games, and gives your guests a wider selection of costumes to choose from.
December’s a few months away, but it doesn’t have to be a torturous wait. Make the time go by faster until the big premier date with these party ideas, and you’ll be sure to get in the mood for this major blockbuster event!