Review by Andy Comer (@thetalkingcan)
Directed by: Mark Newton
Starring: Myles McLane, Emerald Robinson, Roger Payano, Anita Leeman, Douglas Macpherson, Melanie Camp
"Hit Team has a simple enough premise that could have been somewhat entertaining with a decent script and actors, but neither of these things are present in this downright lousy movie."

Hit Team follows Max and Ruthie as they have been assigned to kill six people in Los Angeles by the end of the day, but as their blunders add up, their Las Vegas boss ends up coming after them. It’s obviously a simple enough premise that could have been somewhat entertaining with a decent script and actors, but neither of these things are present in this downright lousy movie.

Usually I really enjoy a good hitman story. I like to see those kind of unique, driven, and unrelenting characters going after their targets and getting into crazy situations that just leave huge body counts in their wake, but here it just boggles the mind how these characters could have even gotten into this situation in the first place. And how they get to where they are just before the credits roll is so far out of left field that all I could do was throw my hands in the air and say, “Okay, if you say so.” Absolutely nothing about this movie works, and it felt like a chore to suffer through it.

You can watch Hit Team at the below links: