We're almost at the end of 2015 so we'd like to offer our thanks to all our readers for all your support. After all, if it wasn't for you lot there wouldn't be much point in us running this site.
2015 was our biggest year yet in every sense, and with our audience almost doubling compared to 2014, there's a good chance you discovered us in 2015. This increase likely came about thanks to the sheer amount of content we put out this year. At time of writing we're on course to have reviewed 350 new releases in 2015!
Speaking of reviews, we've been debating whether we should drop star ratings from our reviews or leave them be. Do you feel it's a reductive tool or a handy way to wrap up a review? Let us know by taking the poll below.
Lots of our readers were rewarded in 2015 as we ran over 50 giveaways over the course of the year, and we'll have plenty more to come in 2016.
There are lots of ways to keep up to date with our posts. You can subscribe by email on the home page, like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, add us to your circles on Google+ or follow our tumblr or pinterest for bonus visual content. However you decide to follow us, we hope you'll stick around for another year packed with movies, and feel free to leave any suggestions on how we can improve in the comments below. We'll leave you with a gif of Oscar Isaac dancing with a robot, because why wouldn't we? And if that puts you in a musical mood, we hope you enjoy the music player at the top of the page on our desktop site. We'll be continuing to load it up with lots of banging movie tunes in 2016!