Hi Leticia, can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became an actor?
I actually started dancing at the age of four and turned professional at 14. I didn’t get started in acting until about six years ago when I moved out to L.A. I had many friends who were in the industry as actors and stuntmen who convinced me into pursing acting. So I did, and the transition was so natural for me. I just fell love with acting!
You're heavily involved in the world of flamenco dancing. Is this a discipline that's helped with your acting?
Yes it definitely has! Flamenco dance is a highly intricate and structured form of dance that takes a lot of discipline and years to master. This structure and discipline has definitely helped with my acting.

Who are your acting role models?
I would have to say that my acting role models are Meryl Streep, Sophia Loren, and Paz Vega. They all are extremely talented, feminine and strong women who break all the barriers.
There's been much discussion lately about the lack of diversity in American cinema, with regards to both race and gender. It's estimated the Hispanic population of the US is over 50 million, so why do you think we see so few Hispanic actors on screen, and what can be done to change things?
I just feel that since the beginning of American cinema it was just geared toward a different audience and it just kind of stayed that way for many years. But now things are changing. We have such a diversity of ethnicities and cultures that are a part of our audience that it is imperative to mirror the same diversity in our cinema. I believe that casting has to open up to all ethnicities, and writers need to write more diverse roles with strong female leads as well.
What can you tell us about your role in Intruders?
I play the role of Charlotte, a lawyer who is hired by (main character) Anna’s brother, who is dying of cancer, to make sure that everything is in order and taken care of when he passes.

You appeared in Jake's Road with one of our favourite actors, Eric Roberts; how was that experience?
It was AWESOME! I am a huge Eric Roberts fan as well. He was the same brilliant Eric Roberts that we all know and love. He was really professional and fun to work with!
What upcoming movies can we look forward to seeing you in?
The next film I have coming out is Mind Puppets. I am also working on new projects this year (In Search of the Miraculous and Disoriented) with director Brian Skeet.
Thanks for your time Leticia.
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