Adam Roche is the man behind the unmissable classic movie podcasts Attaboy Clarence and The Secret History of Hollywood, the latter of which has just released its first ebook - A Universe Of Horrors: The Story Of Universal Horror Movies, And The Men That Made Them - a 200+ page in-depth look at the classic horror films of Universal.
The winners are:
Rory Scott
Molly Stafford
Emma Riches
Ulli Walther
Andrew Tomlinson

If you didn't win but want to get your hands on Adam's book, you can purchase a copy for the bargain sum of £4.00 at www.attaboyclarence.com/store/a-universe-of-horrors-the-story-of-universal-horror-movies-and-the-men-that-made-them
If you're a fan of classic cinema, we can't recommend the podcasts Attaboy Clarence and The Secret History of Hollywood enough!
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