From iconic spy sleuths who’ve inspired online slots games to epic retellings of historical disasters, the upcoming DC Comics release has certainly got a lot to compete with if it truly expects to be the biggest grossing movie ever.

That title currently rests with Avatar, which has earned well over $2 billion since it opened at cinemas in 2009. This sci-fi epic certainly made use of the latest in CGI technology to create stunningly exotic foreign worlds, but with the sequel to Avatar taking much longer than anticipated, it could be some time before we get chance to head back to the planet of Pandora.
Interestingly, Avatar’s creator, James Cameron, also wrote and directed the second-highest grossing movie on the list with the romantic epic Titanic. This managed to deliver an old-school charm to modern movie-goers and certainly looked to reaffirm Hollywood’s love for their other massive romantic hits such as Gone With The Wind and Doctor Zhivago.

One of the most successful movie characters of all-time has to be James Bond. The British spy star has managed to span the decades with cinematic hits as far-ranging as Moonraker and Skyfall. Plus he’s just completed his 21st century upgrade thanks to Betway who’ve released an online slots game that gives him a female makeover on the mobile device as the stylish and potentially-lucrative Jane Blonde.
Other movie icons who’ve used their on-screen success to find a new home in online games include those legendary Star Wars stars. If the movies’ revenues were adjusted for inflation we’d find 1977’s Star Wars holding third place in the highest-grossing list, but we’re sure that Lucasfilm will be happy with the fact that the latest Star Wars instalment just crossed the $2 billion mark.

Special mention must be made to the endless succession of kids' movies that range from the endlessly-appealing Marvel movies like The Avengers and Iron Man 3, to inexplicably-popular Disney titles such as Frozen and Pirates of the Caribbean.
So although many have stated that streaming technologies have eroded the power of cinema, it seems that they continue to inspire online games and draw record audiences across the planet.