The hit Danish crime drama Follow the Money is released on DVD and Blu-Ray on Monday 25th April by Nordic Noir & Beyond. We've got three DVDs to give away to UK readers.

Follow the Money is a tense new crime drama starring Bo Larsen, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Natalie Madueño, Esben Smed Jensen, Claes Ljungmark and Lars Simonsen. After a body is discovered near a wind farm in Denmark, the police turn their attention to the environmentally-friendly energy giant Energreen. Detective Mads (Larsen) suspects the renewal energy organisation’s CEO Alexander (Lie Kaas) is not as innocent as he portrays himself to be. At the same time, Alexander is being investigated internally by lawyer Claudia (Madueño) without his knowledge. As Energreen’s revered image falls under scrutiny for being involved in corruptive practices, ex-convict Nicky (Smed Jensen) gets caught up in the middle of the fraudulent plot.
The winners are:
Drew Buddie, Rickmansworth
Iain Barrass, South Lanarkshire
Michelle O'Neill, Amesham
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