The early Jackie Chan martial arts extravaganza is coming to UK blu-ray.

April 24th sees the UK dual format blu-ray/DVD release of Drunken Master on the Eureka Masters of Cinema label in a new 4K transfer. The 1978 martial arts action-comedy established its leading man Jackie Chan as the biggest star in his field since Bruce Lee.
Extras on the disc include a commentary by Hong Kong film experts Ric Meyers and Jeff Yang, interviews with Chan and director Yuen Woo-ping, and a video appreciation by The Raid director Gareth Evans.
Eureka's official synopsis reads:
Jackie Chan plays Wong Fei-hung (a legendary Chinese folk hero who has also been portrayed on screen by Jet Li, Gordon Liu and Donnie Yen amongst many others), who is punished for his frequent troublemaking by being forced to study under the martial arts master Su Hua Chi (Yuen Siu-tien), notorious for his drinking as much as he is for leaving his students crippled. Wong proves himself an adept pupil, but his new skills are soon put to the test when his own father is targeted by a brutal assassin (Hwang Jang Lee, Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow).