Review by
Eric Hillis
Directed by: Kristian A. Söderström
Starring: Stefan Sauk, Lena Nilsson, Morgan Alling, Martin

For most of us, nostalgia is merely that warm glow we occasionally get when reminded of a positive aspect of our past. For some, nostalgia is a crutch, an addiction. And just as big tobacco exploited nicotine addiction, Hollywood is currently making the most of the current vogue for all things 1980s. It's not the first time Hollywood has gone through a nostalgia mining cycle. In the late '60s and early '70s, every other movie seemed to be set during the American Depression, while the '80s movies of Spielberg and his acolytes drew heavily on the '40s and '50s. It's no coincidence that commercially motivated nostalgia tends to be focussed on three or four decades prior to our present, as it hits the sweet spot of those suffering mid life crises and yearning for their youth.
Writer/director Kristian A. Söderström's Videoman will likely give genre fans of a certain vintage that warm nostalgic glow, but it's also a considered examination of the dangers of clinging onto the past.

When he purchases a box of random VHS tapes, Ennio is surprised to find a rare copy of Lucio Fulci's Zombie Flesh Eaters among the dross. He's even more surprised when he receives a phone call from a British collector who agrees to pay 10,000 krona for the tape. The planets seem to have finally aligned for the hapless Ennio, but the following morning he wakes up hungover to find the tape in question has disappeared from his basement. Desperate to locate the tape, Ennio sets off on a quest to investigate the collections of Stockholm's community of VHS obsessives for the contraband in question.

Videoman delves into another form of addiction through a subplot involving Simone (Lena Nilsson), the woman who sells Ennio the Fulci tape, and with whom he embarks on a tumultuous romantic relationship. Obsessed with the past herself, Simone spends her evenings drinking alone in her apartment while trying on her '80s outfits and makeup, and dancing to the pop tunes of the era. At her secretarial job she's treated with contempt and bullied by superiors half her age, and her daughter refuses to hang out with her due to her drinking.

Ultimately, Videoman is the story of two people that have been cast aside by a society that has moved on at a pace they're unwilling to keep up with, but Söderström doesn't let his protagonists off the hook. Ennio and Simone might blame the world for their respective plights, but as they come to accept, they're partly their own worst enemies.

Videoman is on Shudder UK now.