The Movie Waffler New Trailer for Shudder Bound Korean Horror 0.0 MHZ | The Movie Waffler

New Trailer for Shudder Bound Korean Horror 0.0 MHZ

0.0 mhz
The Korean horror is coming to Shudder in April.

Horror focussed streaming service Shudder is bringing writer/director Sun-Dong Yoo's Korean horror 0.0 Mhz to English speaking audiences this April. The film stars K-Pop sensations Jeong Eun-Ji and Lee Seong-yeol as members of a group of paranormal investigators who hope to use radio frequencies to root out the spirit said to haunt an abandoned house.

0.0 Mhz premieres on all three of Shudder's international services (UK, US and Canada) April 23rd.

Check out the trailer below.

The official synopsis reads:

Members of a paranormal exploration club go to an abandoned house in the remote small town to prove the existence of a ghost using radio frequency-based technology. Unfortunately, the young students unwittingly become the ghost’s host...