To celebrate the release of
Tenet, available now on 4K UHD, Blu-Ra, DVD and Digital Download, we are
taking a look at other time-bending films that like to trick yet excite
audiences through their use of time travel.

Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The highest grossing film ever made,
Avengers: Endgame
is a superhero film based on the characters in Marvel Comics. This film
wrapped up a franchise following up from the success of
Avengers: Infinity War in 2018 where the surviving Avengers
gather their allies to fight against Thanos to try and reverse the
destruction he caused in Infinity War. To do this they must travel in time through the quantum realm and go
back to retrieve the Infinity Stones from the past. A dangerous mission
but one that, if successful, could bring back all the life that was lost.

Minority Report (2002)
In Washington DC in 2054, the police department have developed a PreCrime
operation where they can used mutated humans to visualise crime before it
is going to happen by receiving visions of the future. One day PreCrime
Captain John Anderton (Tom Cruise) is accused that he will commit a
murder himself in the next 36 hours. Now on the run from the police,
Anderton must find a way to prove his innocence and clear his name,
however this may expose the entire PreCrime system.

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Another sci-fi starring Tom Cruise,
Edge of Tomorrow
takes place in a future where an alien race has begun invading Earth.
Soldier William Cage (Cruise) discovers he has the mysterious ability to
relive the same day at battle again and again. With the help of Sergeant
Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt), the two work together to use his
ability to time loop to help defeat the army of aliens.

Inception (2010)
Inception follows Dominic Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a
professional thief in the art of extraction; gaining valuable information
from deep within someone’s subconscious using a dream sharing technology.
Cobb is asked to perform a process called “Inception” in exchange for his
criminal history being wiped. “Inception” is the act of implanting
someone’s idea into another person while they are dreaming. This is a
complex film that delves deep into different timelines and layers of the

Looper (2012)
In the year 2074, the mob has discovered a way to kill someone discreetly;
the target is sent back in time where a contract killer called a “looper”
awaits to finish the job. However, one day Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), one of the professional loopers, learns the mob are trying to close
the loop by sending Joe’s future self back in time for his own

Tenet (2020)
Tenet follows a secret agent (John David Washington),
known as The Protagonist, as he manipulates the flow of time to avert a
World War. He must learn to master not time travel, but time inversion in
order to stop Russian billionaire Andrei Sator (Kenneth Branagh)
from destroying everything.
Tenet is available now on 4K UHD, Blu-Ra, DVD and Digital