The Movie Waffler New Trailer for Argentinian Thriller A COMMON CRIME | The Movie Waffler

New Trailer for Argentinian Thriller A COMMON CRIME

a common crime
Francisco Márquez’s psychological thriller comes to UK VOD in April.

Writer/director Francisco Márquez's thriller A Common Crime stars Elisa Carricajo in an acclaimed turn as a woman who becomes racked with guilt when a young man she refused to help is murdered by the police. Mecha Martinez, Eliot Otazo, Ciro Coien Pardo and Cecilia Rainero also star.

A Common Crime is in UK virtual cinemas and on VOD from April 9th.

Check out the UK trailer below.

The official synopsis reads:

Cecilia is a professor of sociology at the University, and a single mother raising a young son. One stormy night, fifteen-year-old Kevin, the son of Celia’s houseworker, knocks on the door of her house in despair. Scared of opening the door to someone she barely knows, she waits until he has gone. The next day Kevin is found dead in the river, killed by the police. Cecilia is haunted by the ghost of the young man, and driven towards a breakdown, plagued by an unshakeable guilt at her failure to help.