Hawaiian born Kate Watson (Psycho BFF, Collision Earth, Her Deadly Groom) tells us about her beginnings, her wild new thriller
Killer Advice, and just how many times the former Ballet dancer has watched
Center Stage.
In Lifetime thriller Killer Advice, Beth (Kate Watson) suffers a traumatic attack, her family and
friends suggest she see a therapist to help her cope. However, her new
therapist gives her more than she bargained for.
We spoke to Watson about the movie and her background.

I know you started in Ballet, is that right!?
Yes! I started studying Ballet around the age of four. I’m immensely
grateful to have dance as my foundation. Understanding the mind-body
connection and balance between creative discipline and surrender continues
to serve today.
How many times have you watched Center Stage, then!?
Ha! Several! Fun fact, I actually attended the same Ballet school in
Hawaii as the film's leading actress, Amanda Schull. She’s great.
Do you still dance?
I no longer take classes, but I still love dancing every chance I get!
Great music always invites me to move.
Was there a big film community in Hawaii? Did you get your start
Today there are several shows shooting there, and feature films
consistently travel there to shoot. When I was growing up there, there
certainly wasn’t as much. I’ll never forget seeing
Jurassic Park for the first time. The beauty of the Na Pali
Coast on a big screen immediately filled me with pride.
Killer Advice looks like a very slick thriller. How did you get
Thank you! The production company, Mutiny Films, and I partnered on a film
at the end of the previous year. The filmmakers of
Killer Advice reached out, I read the script, and
immediately felt connected.
What makes your character Beth tick, do you think?
Beth is resilient. At her core, she deeply loves her family, even though
at times that can be incredibly complicated. She struggles between tending
to the needs of her demanding job, family, and herself.
Without giving anything away, is there a twist to the story? We love a
good twist!
Twists and turns! Who doesn’t love a good surprise?
What’s the latest Lifetime film you watched?
I love smart, complicated, character driven stories. I’m a big true crime
show fan and believe it or not, films on Lifetime reflect so many of those
gut-wrenching, twisted, yet poignant stories. Stockholm, Pennsylvania is
completely unnerving.
Did you see the one Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig did?
Oh, yes! A Deadly Adoption. I haven’t seen it. Should I?
For a laugh! Ha! Would you say Killer Advice, and other Lifetime
movies, are aimed at a specific audience?
I love that Lifetime advocates for strong narratives around women, but I’m
always thrilled to hear from anyone who connects with a film and enjoys
The Lifetime films do cover serious territory at times. Was that part
of the appeal with Killer Advice, that it offered you the chance
to play a strong woman who overcomes something very traumatic?
This film was certainly an undertaking, as it tackles subjects like mental
health and trauma. As an actor, the appeal was simply the rollercoaster
ride of emotions I knew I would have to go on throughout this story. And
from a storyteller's perspective, mental health and trauma are incredibly
common, yet something we still don’t converse enough about.
Do you have any favourite thrillers? Maybe something that would make a
good double feature with Killer Advice?
I love so many, but
Promising Young Woman
is next on my list! Her Deadly Groom might be a fun double
feature. Beth and Alison are very different, delicately fierce characters.
Killer Advice premieres Friday February 5th on Lifetime.