Written and directed by Alexandre Rockwell (In the Soup; Little Feet), Sweet Thing stars his daughter Lana Rockwell as a
teenager charged with looking after her younger brother (Nico Rockwell) while on a family holiday. When they encounter a young runaway the three
team up to explore the area.
The film also stars Karyn Parsons, Will Patton, Jabari Watkins, ML Josepher and Steven Randazzo.
Sweet Thing is in US cinemas and virtual cinemas from June
18th. A UK/ROI release has yet to be announced.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
In SWEET THING, Billie (Lana Rockwell, Little Feet), a 15-year-old girl who fantasizes Billie Holiday as a sort of fairy godmother, is forced to navigate the evolving challenges of her life while she plays mother to her 11-year-old brother, Nico (Nico Rockwell, Little Feet). They soon meet up with another adolescent, run away from home, and together roam the area free from their parents’ watchful gaze. Discovering freedom and enchantment among New Bedford’s boats and railway tracks, the trio fantasize about a life of luxury when they break into a posh home, and are able to carry the taste of affluence into their adventures. An ode to that trying age when young people prepare to take their first step into adulthood, SWEET THING, starring Rockwell’s children Lana and Nico, Karyn Parsons and Will Patton, is an intense but ultimately uplifting, portrait that captures the essence of that time in life when a day can last forever.