Directed by William Sullivan, American Insurrection is
an action thriller in the tradition of '80s classic Red Dawn. The film follows a group of friends who attempt to escape the US after a
militia seizes control of the country.
Nadine Malouf, Nick Westrate, Brandon Perea, Sarah Wharton, Jarret Kerr,
Toby Leonard Moore
and Michael Raymond-James star.
American Insurrection is in US cinemas and VOD from October
8th. A UK/ROI release has yet to be announced.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
After a powerful militia seizes control of the U.S., a group of friends attempt to escape the escalating violence and oppression. They must move undetected as their only hope is to cross a heavily guarded border. But as the militia closes in, the friends will need to do whatever it takes to survive in this suspenseful action-thriller.