10/31 Part II is the second instalment of the popular
Halloween themed anthologies that taps the best directors, actors and
composers from the indie film world and brings them all together to make
one terrifying feature.
On Demand and Digital from Terror Films, the film stars
Jennifer Nangle, Anastasia Elfman, David E. McMahon, Tim Robinson,
Rhema Srihartiti
and London Grace.
"As a huge fan of horror growing up, especially anthologies like
Creepshow and Tales From the Crypt, I was thrilled to be able to work with a group of such talented
writers, directors and actors to make our own anthology film come to
life," says producer Rocky Gray.

What a fun bunch of stories! When did you come up with the idea,
or was it yours?
Thank you! Each of the directors come with their own ideas and we flesh it
out together and nail down the best way to go about making their vision a
Did you, as the producer, sit down to watch similar films before the
No, we just do what we think is cool and hope others will enjoy it as much
as we did.
What were your main responsibilities on this one?
I am the Producer and Composer.
I know you can’t speak for the other filmmakers but do you know if any
of their shorts were inspired by any horror classics?
I’m not really sure about that.
The cinematography is dynamite here. How important was that to you?
The cinematography can really elevate the film. We don’t always have the
luxury of being able to afford the best Cinematographers but I think we’ve
been lucky to have directors that have a great team with them to get a
great look.
And sound. A major component of any horror film. Who gets props for
I compose all of the music and engineer the final sound mix of all the
If you had to choose a standout segment, which one would it be?
Really I couldn’t pick just one. There is something I love about all of
Let’s talk horror. Favourite horror film of the year?
Hmmm. There’s been a couple good ones so far. I’m sure I’m forgetting
about a bunch of movies but
Censor, Werewolves Within and
Fear Street
were cool.
Anything you’re especially looking forward to?
Halloween Kills for sure and Malignant looks
like it will be good.
And what’s the greatest horror film of all time?
Hands down that title goes to The Exorcist.