The Movie Waffler New Trailer and Artwork for the 2K Restoration of Silent Classic THE INDIAN TOMB | The Movie Waffler

New Trailer and Artwork for the 2K Restoration of Silent Classic THE INDIAN TOMB

the indian tomb
A new restoration of the silent German epic is coming in 2022.

Directed by Joe May and written by Thea von Harbou and Fritz Lang, 1921's The Indian Tomb is an epic adventure starring Conrad Veidt as a vengeful maharajah who hires a German architect (Olaf Fønss) to build a mausoleum in which he intends to imprison his cheating wife.

Newly restored in 2K, The Indian Tomb comes to UK blu-ray on February 21st, 2022 from Eureka Entertainment.

Check out Eureka's new trailer and artwork below.

the indian tomb bluray