In the fashion of movies like Vincente Minnelli's
The Clock and Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise, director Raine Allen-Miller's Rye Lane is a romantic
drama set over the course of a day in London. Vivian Oparah and David Jonsson play a pair of
twentysomethings - both of whom have just come out of relationships - who
form a bond through their shared turmoil.
Rye Lane is in UK cinemas from March 17th.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
RYE LANE is a romantic comedy that stars Vivian Oparah (Class, The Rebel) and David Jonsson (Industry, Deep State), as Yas and Dom, two twenty-somethings both reeling from bad break-ups, who connect over the course of an eventful day in South London - helping each other deal with their nightmare exes, and potentially restoring their faith in romance.