Written and directed by Tarik Saleh (The Nile Hilton Incident), Cairo Conspiracy stars Tawfeek Barhom as Adam, a young Egyptian studying at Cairo's
prestigious Al-Azhar University. When the college's Grand Imam mysteriously dies, Adam
finds himself at the centre of a political conspiracy.
"This is a story about power and authority, not specifically about Islam,
because Islam is basically like any other system," Saleh says of his film.
"Whether it's a political system or a religious system, it's made up of
laws that govern everything but which can also be easily changed and
broken by those in power, in order to satisfy their own interests, or even
to strengthen their power. This is something that interests me enormously,
a theme that recurs in all my films, and which stems, no doubt, from my
own problems with authority."
Cairo Conspiracy is in UK cinemas from April 14th.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
Adam (Tawfeek Barhom), the son of a fisherman, is offered the ultimate privilege to study at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the epicenter of power of Sunni Islam. Shortly after his arrival in Cairo, the university’s highest ranking religious leader, the Grand Imam, suddenly dies and Adam soon becomes a pawn in a ruthless power struggle between Egypt’s religious and political elites.