Written and directed by Graham Hughes (Death of a Vlogger), Hostile Dimensions follows a pair of doumentary filmamkers
as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of a graffiti artist. Their
snooping leads to a strange door that acts as a gateway to other terrifying
Hughes stars alongside Stephen Beavis, Annabel Logan, Joma West and
Andy Stewart.
Hostile Dimensions is on UK/ROI VOD from August 26th.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
A twist-filled multi-verse thriller from Graham Hughes (Death of a Vlogger). Hostile Dimensions follows two documentary filmmakers who decide to investigate the disappearance of a graffiti artist who seemingly ‘vanished’. As they delve deeper into their research, they encounter an ominous freestanding door which leads them on a dark journey through the dimensions behind it. Determined to uncover the truth the pair soon realise they have stumbled across something far more terrifying than they could have ever imagined.