The Aviator (Martin Scorcese, 2004) is a historical biographical drama that follows the life of the famous aviator, businessman, and film director Howard Hughes, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. It’s about the early years of Hollywood and the high-risk, high-reward strategies that early adopters would pull off to succeed in the cut-throat industry, so this classic served as an inspiration to a well-known video game Aviator.
They both share the name and the aviation theme, which has been the driving force of the popular game. Aviator, the game, is an online crash game that also incorporates a high-risk, high-reward gameplay in which the players should place bets on a plane’s flight and decide when to cash out before the plane crashes. The game has a fast pace and is easy to play, which is why we’ll guide you to finding games like Aviator.
How To Find Games Like Aviator
Before we get to the alternatives, we must first determine what this game type is, how it works, and where to find these games. These are the main factors to watch out for:
Game mechanics
Availability at different operators
Game’s theme
When it comes to the game mechanics, you should look for games with simple, yet engaging mechanics - something along the lines of the popular card games like Roulette77 for Indian players. Crash games are relatively new to the market and you can usually find them at operators that accept both crypto and fiat currencies.
Next, you should focus on the game’s theme. If you have any particular theme in mind, or a movie that you like and you prefer a movie-themed game, look for games with the themes that you like. Crash games like Aviator are usually very fast-paced, so you should choose games where every information is presented transparently, similarly to, and make sure that you’re aware of the risks involved with games like Aviator. You should also check for positive feedback and reviews from other players. These are some of the best alternatives to Aviator:
The original Crash Game is the game that started this trend. Although it remains unclear whether it was the company that released the Crash Game first, or it was Aviator, but what’s clear is that they started a trend that’s incredibly hot nowadays.Crash game mirrors the mechanics and excitement of Aviator. Players place their bets and watch a multiplier increase, and the goal is to cash out before it crashes. The game is intended to mirror the cryptocurrency market, and if you don’t manage to cash out before the crash happens, you lose. Players love the game due to its simplicity and fast-paced nature.
JetX is another game that follows the crash game mechanics and concept, just like Aviator, but offers a unique twist on the original game. Here, instead of betting on an airplane, you’re betting on a spaceship's flight, predicting when it will explode. The spaceship will explode at some point, so it’s up to you to predict when it will happen, and manage to cash out before it happens. The game features impressive graphics and engaging gameplay mechanics, making it a top choice for Aviator fans.
Blaze Crash stands out with its vibrant visuals and straightforward gameplay. Players bet on a rocket's ascent and decide when to cash out before it crashes. The high-risk, high-reward dynamic keeps players on the edge of their seats.
If you’re looking for the most innovative crash game that resembles aviation games, Rocket Ride might be a good pick. It combines the excitement of crash games with an innovative theme. As with other similar games, you should place a bet on a rocket’s flight and you must choose the optimal moment to cash out. The game’s modern-looking graphics and fast-paced action make it a worthy alternative to the classic Aviator.
Many crash games follow the same principle: they are set in a jet or an airplane, and the goal is to guess when the aerial vehicle will crash. Lucky Jet follows the same theme, but boasts the most modern graphics and an intuitive interface. This makes for a good Aviator alternative with a slightly different interface, a familiar, yet innovative theme, and the same fast-paced gameplay.