Director Sasha Nathwani follows a series of award-winning shorts with his
feature debut, Last Swim, co-written with Helen Simmons. The film stars Deba Hekmat as Ziba, a teen who joins a group of friends in
celebrating their A-level results by taking a trip across London to
witness a unique astronomical event.
Lydia Fleming, Denzel Baidoo, Solly McLeod, Jay Lycurgo, Michelle
and Narges Rashidi also star.
Last Swim is in UK/ROI cinemas from April 4th.
Check out the trailer below.
The official synopsis reads:
Set over a sweltering A-Level results day in London, LAST SWIM follows Ziba, a promising British-Iranian teen, as she leads her friends on an eventful journey across the city, culminating in a once in a lifetime astronomical event. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, Ziba struggles to retain her characteristic optimism as she finds herself battling the intrusive fears and secrets she’s been hiding from her friends. As day turns to night, Ziba has no choice but to confront the irreversible event she has planned.