Written and directed by Cory Santilli, In the Mouth boasts the novel premise
of a man being unable to leave his home because his path is blocked by a
giant version of himself whose head protrudes from his front lawn.
The surreal comedy stars Colin Burgess and Paul Michael, and will receive its world
premiere at Slamdance on February 21st.
Check out the trailer and poster below.
The official synopsis reads:
Merl has been living his life as a shut-in recluse, in complete isolation, unable to leave his house after discovering a giant version of himself protruding from his lawn, blocking any attempt at escape. He’s run out of money, but if he doesn’t pay his rent in the next 5 days his landlord is going to evict him. With no other options left, he is forced to get a roommate to pay him the debt in advance. Larry, an older man traveling shockingly light with only the clothes on his back, heeds the call and comes to live with Merl. It’s an adjustment for sure, but maybe they can learn a thing or two from each other. Or maybe Larry’s just found the perfect place to hide.